British jungle camp: three scandal participants cause a stir

“I’m a Celebrity…”
A member of the royal family, a pop star and a scandalous politician: These men make the British jungle camp a blast

Royal Mike Tindall, singer Boy George and ex-minister Matt Hancock (left to right) are moving into the British jungle camp in 2022.

© imago images/i Images/Stephen Lock/Fred Duval/

In the latest edition of the British jungle camp, three of the participants are causing a stir in advance. An overview.

The latest edition of the British jungle camp starts on Sunday November 6th. The show “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!” then returns to the Australian bush after two years of corona-related abstinence – and three of the participants are already causing a stir in advance: In addition to cult singer Boy George, who spent four months in prison in 2009 for tying up and beating a male sex worker , a member of the Royal Family is also taking part in the ITV show in Mike Tindall.

Only a few days ago, however, it became known that former British Health Minister Matt Hancock would also move into the jungle camp. Parliamentarian Hancock was expelled from his Conservative Party. The three scandal participants in the British jungle camp 2022 at a glance.

Boy George spent four months in prison for false imprisonment in 2009

As early as the late 1980s, Culture Club singer Boy George (“Do You Really Want to Hurt Me”) was worried about his heroin addiction for negative headlines. Then in 2006 he was in New York sentenced to five days of community serviceafter faking a burglary to police.

However, the biggest scandal to date about George, known for his androgynous performances, happened a few years later. In his native England, the singer was sentenced to 15 months in prison in 2009. George, whose real name is George O’Dowd, had tied a male sex worker to a wall in his London flat and beat him with a metal chain.

A conviction for false imprisonment followed, with the judge declaring in his verdict that George had “degraded and traumatized” his victim. The Guardian reported. George had accused the man of stealing photos from his personal computer. The defense pleaded in court that the defendant had a history of drug abuse. Ultimately, after four months, the singer was released from prison for good behavior.

From 2017, George was a member of the jury on the Australian version of the talent show “The Voice” – and is said to have received the record fee of more than one million euros at this year’s British jungle camp.

Mike Tindall is the first member of the Royal Family at the British jungle camp

Former rugby player Mike Tindall’s participation in “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! 2022” also caused a stir. The husband of the Queen’s granddaughter Zara Tindall, daughter of Princess Anne, will be the first member of the British royal family to move into the Australian jungle – with the full consent of his wife, by the way. as Tindall pointed out to The Sun.

There is speculation in the UK that Tindall may spill royal secrets on the trash TV show. After all, in recent years he had been the husband of King Charles III’s niece. a box seat at events and occasions of the royal family.

Ex-Secretary of Health Matt Hancock flies out of the group because of jungle camp participation

The participation of British MP Matt Hancock in this year’s version of “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!” on. For Brits, Hancock was one of the faces of the coronavirus pandemic, having served as British Health Secretary under ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson until June 2021. Hancock has been widely criticized for his handling of the pandemic, as the UK was among the countries with the highest number of deaths from COVID-19 infection worldwide in the first half of 2020.

Hancock’s participation in the jungle camp has not yet been officially confirmed, but reported the “BBC”that he will attend the camp as a latecomer. That didn’t go down particularly well with his Conservative Party colleagues. In response, he was expelled from his group, but remains a Member of Parliament with full pay.

Hancock was forced to resign as health secretary in the summer of 2021. since “The Sun” had published recordings, in which he kissed his counselor Gina Coladangelo, with whom he was having an extramarital affair. In doing so, Hancock violated the distance rules he himself had set as a minister.


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