Brigitte Fontaine promises a “fucking evening”

On Wednesday, Brigitte Fontaine bows out on stage at the Printemps de Bourges. The show was to be called Closing Night (“closing party”) but she finally opted for fucking night (“fucking evening”), slips Boris Vedel, the director of the festival. “You will see what the evening will be like if you come, I never know before,” she eludes.

At 82, the iconoclastic artist will be well surrounded: Philippe Katerine, Jarvis Coker, Arthur H or Béatrice Dalle, among others, will be there. As well as the duo of actors and directors Gustave Kervern and Benoît Delépine who will interpret It’s normal. “They are not boring in the work, I like them a lot, they are nice”, she confides about them.

“I don’t see the future, I’m too myopic”

“Ah, I thought she was going to say: ‘I hate them’,” laughs Gustave Kervern. I’m glad we escaped his wrath. “And to add:” We want to pay tribute to him so much, by his personality and his work, it is a treasure of this country. His speech is free when everyone practices the language of wood. She is unique, we can expect anything, even that she is not in Bourges. »

And after this concert? “I don’t see the future, I’m too myopic,” warns Brigitte Fontaine. She may hear it, on the other hand, because a record is in preparation. Jarvis Coker and Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth could collaborate on it. From her lanky throne, the “Queen of Kékés” has not finished reigning over French song.

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