Brian May: That’s how much Taylor Hawkins’ death affected him

brian may
Taylor Hawkins’ death affected him that much

Brian May (left) had a close relationship with Taylor Hawkins.

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Queen guitarist Brian May has spoken in an interview about the tragic death of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins.

Brian May (74) spoke in an interview with “Welt am Sonntag” (April 24 edition) about the tragic death of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins (1972-2022). “Taylor’s death really shook me. He was like family to me,” says the Queen guitarist.

Hawkins worked with May on May’s second solo album, released in 1998, after drummer Cozy Powell (1947-1998) died in a car accident. “Losing Cozy was a shock after I had known Freddie years earlier [Mercury, Anm.d.Red.] “And in that moment, Taylor helped me, he played on the song ‘Cyborg’. He had just joined the Foo Fighters at the time. He had this incredible energy.” May found it hard to believe “that he died while I was remixing this album. In my mind he’s still alive, full of energy.”

Hawkins sang Queen song at last concert

The fact that Hawkins sang the Queen hit “Somebody To Love” as an encore at his last concert still moves the guitarist today. “I watched the video again earlier. It makes me cry every time because he looks so fit in it and so full of life. It’s incredibly sad,” says May.

Queen drummer Roger Taylor (72) dedicated his British order of knighthood to Hawkins as “one of his best friends” at the end of March. The 72-year-old, who Hawkins counted among his greatest musical role models, revealed at the ceremony at Windsor Castle that the 50-year-old had acted as a mentor to his own son. “My family and his were very close. He was what my wife called him, sunshine in human form. He was the most wonderful person.”

Taylor Hawkins was found dead in his hotel room in Bogotá, Colombia, on March 25. The musician was 50 years old. First details from the toxicological investigation, which had been published by the Colombian police and Attorney General’s Office, state that ten different “substances” were found in the dead musician’s body.


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