Brendan Fraser: Cast member interested in ‘The Mummy’ sequel

Brendan Fraser
Actor interested in ‘The Mummy’ sequel

Brendan Fraser made his Hollywood breakthrough in 1999 with The Mummy.

© imago/Future Image

The Whale star Brendan Fraser is considering starring in a sequel to his 1999 hit The Mummy.

The American-Canadian actor Brendan Fraser (53) can imagine starring in a new sequel to his smash hit “The Mummy” (1999). He told “Variety”. “I don’t know how that would work,” Fraser said. “But I would be open to it if someone came up with the right idea.”

The director of ‘The Mummy’, Stephen Sommers, told Variety he cast the actor because he had ‘certain abilities’. “He could hit and take and he had a great sense of humor,” he said. “You really like the guy. He never comes across as cocky or arrogant.” Fraser performed as many of his own stunts as he could, even injuring his knee once, but clenched his teeth to complete the film. “He was up for anything we asked him to do,” Sommers said.

Fraser: Cruise film lacked ‘the fun’

When Universal relaunched “The Mummy” in 2017, this time it wasn’t Fraser, but his colleague Tom Cruise (60) who was cast for the leading role. The film received appalling reviews. Cruise even received the Golden Raspberry for his lousy acting performance in the 2017 reboot.

“The ingredient that we had for our mummy that I didn’t see in this film was the fun,” Fraser said. “That’s what was missing in this incarnation. It was too much of a straight-forward horror film. ‘The Mummy’ was meant to be thrilling, not scary and creepy.” It’s obviously “difficult” to pull this off, Fraser added. “I’ve tried three times.”


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