“Breitscheidplatz”: Planned mini-series about the terrorist attack

Planned miniseries about the terrorist attack

People commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin.

© imago / epd

The terrorist attack in Berlin in 2016 is being processed as a mini-series. The title is the place of tragedy: “Breitscheidplatz”.

In 2016, the Christmas market on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz was the target of an Islamist terrorist attack that killed twelve people. As has now been confirmed by the responsible production company Neuesuper in response to a question from the news agency spot on news, a miniseries about the incident is in the making.

As before in an article on the US site “Variety” reports, implemented together with ARD Degeto, consists of six episodes and tells a fictionalized interpretation of the story.

The attack, in which the perpetrator raced with a stolen truck to the well-attended Christmas market, is described from the perspective of two police officers. One of the questions the miniseries tries to shed light on is how did such a tragedy come about. At this point in time, no statement could be made about a planned publication date, it was said on request.


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