Breaking news: British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns

Great Britain
British Prime Minister Liz Truss announces resignation

Great Britain is sinking into government chaos again: Boris Johnson’s successor, Liz Truss, was in office for just six weeks. Now the party has to find a successor at the top again.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss wants to give up her post. That’s what the conservative politician said on Thursday at a short-notice press conference in London’s Downing Street after just six weeks in office. “I spoke to the king to let him know that I am stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party,” Truss said. She wants to remain in office as prime minister until a successor is found. According to the outgoing head of government, this process should take place within the coming week.

Liz Truss’ policies throw financial markets into chaos

The 47-year-old successor to scandal-ridden ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson came under enormous pressure after her economic policies wreaked unprecedented havoc on the financial markets within a few days. Truss had to make a 180-degree political turn and lost two of her key ministers, Kwasi Kwarteng as finance minister and Suella Braverman as interior minister, within a week.

Around 24 hours before her resignation, she had protested in the British House of Commons that she did not want to give up and that she was “a fighter”. Although she pointed out the difficult economic times and the political instability across the continent, she also admitted that she could no longer implement her vision of radical economic growth under the current conditions.

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