Brazen: Politician goes to the restaurant despite corona infection

Bold, stupid and irresponsible: right-wing populist Sarah Palin is causing a stir in the United States. She went to a restaurant in New York shortly after a positive corona test.

As several US media reports, the former vice presidential candidate from 2008 visited the Italian “Elio’s” in the posh Upper East Side. The laws in New York – like almost everywhere else – force infected people to isolate themselves for some time.

Palin: Vaccination? Over my corpse!”

Palin had already visited the same restaurant a few days ago. This is also not allowed for the unvaccinated. The 57-year-old recently explained: “Vaccinate? Over my corpse. And you better keep your hands off my children.”

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After the public uproar, Palin is now threatened with a hefty fine. That could be particularly high since Palin is a repeat offender. Palin was infected for the first time in March 2021. At the time, she complained of “bizarre symptoms.” At that time, too, she was spotted in a restaurant during her infection.

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