Brandenburg: “Still shaping the style today” – the federal government is worried about the Tucholsky Museum

“Still shaping the style today” – the federal government is worried about the Tucholsky Museum

The Kurt Tucholsky Literature Museum is located in Rheinsberg Castle. photo

© Soeren Stache/dpa

The city councilors in Rheinsberg have to save money. The fact that savings are to be made at the Tucholsky Museum, of all places, worries Claudia Roth.

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth is concerned about the continued existence of the author and writer Museum in Brandenburg dedicated to Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935).

“The Kurt Tucholsky Literature Museum in Rheinsberg is the only one of its kind in the world,” Roth told the dpa in Berlin. “It provides a very good insight into the impressive work of this extraordinary writer, journalist, essayist and intellectual, who continues to shape his style today.”

In view of the budget situation, the municipality’s city council decided in October to no longer fill the museum’s scientific management position. The position will be transferred to the management of the tourism information department. A decision will be made this Monday about a possible takeover of the museum by the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district in northern Brandenburg.

Roth pays tribute to Tucholsky

“Kurt Tucholsky campaigned for a democratic society in the Weimar Republic with a sharp pen and a lot of biting humor,” said Roth. “He courageously confronted nationalism, militarism and fascism.” He took his own life in exile. “We urgently need to engage with his life and work, especially in these times,” said the Green politician.

Roth supports the district’s plan to “secure the future of this museum, including an absolutely necessary scientific management.” The city council should accept the offer and do everything possible “so that this important place in German literary and intellectual history can be secured and well positioned for the future.”


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