Brandenburg: fire at Jüterbog has grown

Fire at Jüterbog got bigger

The forest fire in the former military training area near Jüterbog has still not been extinguished. photo

© Michael Bahlo/dpa

The forest fire near Jüterbog in Brandenburg continues to spread. A drone is to help determine the extent of the fire in the area contaminated with old ammunition.

There is still no all-clear for the forest fire area near Jüterbog south of Berlin. On Sunday evening, a freshening wind caused the fire to spread, said a spokeswoman for the city in the Teltow-Fläming district on Monday morning. The area has increased considerably.

Additional firefighters had to be alerted. With eight fire engines, the spread could be stopped after three hours. The fire was moving toward the protective strip that had been put in place, and maintaining it is of the utmost importance to protect those living in the area.

The fire brigade now wants to use a drone to find out how big the fire actually is. On Sunday, an area of ​​150 hectares, about 200 football pitches, was affected, but not all of the large area actually burned.

The spokeswoman said that clearing tanks would not be used for the time being due to the ammunition load in the area. The aim is initially to comply with the protective strip and thus protect the surrounding villages. The further procedure should be clarified in a meeting. Jüterbog is 70 kilometers south of Berlin towards Leipzig.


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