Boy George moves to the “jungle camp” – for a million US dollars: record fee! | life & knowledge

Record fee for Boy George! |

He moves to the jungle camp for a million US dollars

Well, the cockroaches will be happy about that…

After a three-year Corona break and an interim trip to Gwrych Castle in North Wales, the British jungle camp is also returning to the Australian bush. Earlier than us – and apparently with a real mega star!

Then: Culture Club icon Boy George (61, “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me”) is said to have signed “I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!” for the 22nd season, according to “DailyMail Online” – and himself at the same time secured the highest fee in the history of the show: around one million US dollars!

An unnamed source at the private broadcaster ITV said according to the “Mail”: “It’s beyond exciting that we were able to bring in Boy George. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a major world star on the show and he will undoubtedly draw viewers,” the person was quoted as saying. And further: “He is a national treasure and we have no doubt that the public will vote him king of the jungle.”

So far, only transgender reality star Caitlyn Jenner (72) has received a little more than half of Boy George’s fee: she received around 500,000 British pounds (about 573,000 US dollars) for her participation in the 2019 show.

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The openly gay singer, whose real name is George Alan O’Dowd, is currently celebrating the 40th birthday of Culture Club’s debut album “Kissing To Be Clever”. A suitable time for the announcement as a British jungle camp candidate in 2022.

He is supposed to go to Australia in November. The Brits are almost two months ahead of us in the Australian jungle – they are also shooting near Murwillumbah.

Jungle exception for the pop vegan?

In April, the singer – who has been said to have been vegan for eight years – said on the Saturday night show “Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway” that he would dare to go into the jungle if his food preferences were taken into account there .

The moderator duo Ant and Dec, who also moderate the British jungle camp, explained the 80s icon: “If there is a vegan version, then I’m there!”

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But THAT could be difficult for the 61-year-old. Not only jungle fans have known for a long time: the highlight of the show are the food tests every year! There will certainly be no exception made for Boy George.

The network is still divided

Meanwhile, the first slight criticism of George’s participation is stirring online – although it has not even been officially confirmed.

The reason for most is that the singer has had several conflicts with the law in the past. In 2009, for example, he was sentenced to 15 months in prison for deprivation of liberty. The court found it proven that he held a Norwegian sex worker against his will and beat him with an iron bar.

In spring 2022, former Culture Club drummer Jon Moss accused him of cheating on him out of £188,000 (€217,000) after a tour a few years ago. The band eventually settled with Moss out of court.

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