“Bouncing Blush”: This is behind the TikTok trick

“Bouncing Blush”
This is behind the TikTok trick

Rouge doesn’t always have to be applied with a brush.

© KK_face/Shutterstock.com

A new beauty tutorial is circulating on social media that aims to make applying blush a lot easier. Here’s how it works.

Sun-kissed cheeks even on gray days? Thanks to rouge, no problem – provided it is used correctly. With the “Bouncing Blush” method, worries about the right product quantity and placement are now a thing of the past.

Its name provides a first indication of what is behind the latest TikTok trend: “to bounce” is the English translation of “beat”, “blush” is the synonym for rouge, which is now also used in this country. So beauty influencers hit the blush on their face.

All you need is your hands and a suitable blush. With the latter, consistency and color are crucial. To achieve the desired result, a liquid or creamy product with a shade that matches that of a natural blush should be used.

This is how the “bouncing blush” method works

Once the right rouge has been found, it is applied to the ball of the hand below the thumb. The subsequent rubbing of the colored areas has the purpose that the product heats up and thus distributes it better. Next, cross your arms and place the heel of your right hand on your left cheekbone and vice versa. Bounce the blush on your face with tapping movements until the desired intensity is reached. Finally, the fingers perfect the veneer.

Due to the “stamping” in layers and the proportionally perfectly matched palms and cheekbones, there is no risk of applying the rouge too much or in the wrong place. Instead, you get a subtle and natural result – just like after a walk in the sun.


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