Borodyanka: Zelenskyy: situation “much worse” than in Bucha (video)

Watch the video: President Zelenskyj: Situation in Borodyanka “much worse” than in Bucha.

In the towns around the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, the clean-up work continues after the end of the fighting. And again and again the helpers find bodies on the streets and in the rubble. Also in Borodyanka. This man continues to hope for a sign of life from his family who may be trapped under the rubble of an apartment block: “My mother, my brother, my brother’s wife, his mother and father-in-law are still there. And also other people who were there in the basement But there were other people on the upper floors, also with children. And I know for sure that they didn’t come out.” According to the government in Kyiv and the West, Russian soldiers are said to have committed war crimes. The government in Moscow rejects this. But experts are also getting an increasing impression, said lawyer Wayne Jordash of the Global Rights Compliance Foundation: “I think it gives a pattern, and the pattern seems to indicate that the Russian script – the way they wage war – primarily aimed at intimidating civilians into essentially coming to terms with and agreeing with Russia’s objectives. That was the case in Syria, that was the case in Chechnya, that was the attempt in Georgia. And we see it here now, that’s what the pattern seems to be pointing to. This city is a good example of that.” International organizations are increasingly securing evidence in order to be able to bring possible war criminals to justice later. Many people in Borodyanka don’t even think that far. They continue to fear for their relatives and friends.

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