Bormio’s men’s Super-G canceled due to weather

As the organizers feared, Bormio’s second Super G is finally canceled. The rain, which fell until 11 p.m. on Wednesday, damaged the Stelvio considerably, especially the bottom of the track after the San Pietro jump. The FIS (International Ski Federation) decided to salt after the precipitation and the organization left until 10:30 am Thursday to make a decision, before finally giving in to the obvious.

Due to the high temperatures, and for safety reasons, the jury and the organizers have decided to cancel the super-G of the day“, wrote the FIS in a message to the media. Bormio had already included in his program a super-G canceled at the end of November in Lake Louise (Canada) because of bad weather conditions.

The Norwegian Aleksander Aamodt Kilde won Wednesday on the first super-G in the Italian station. He is 2nd in the general classification of the World Cup, 276 points behind the Swiss Marco Odermatt. The skiers now have an appointment on January 5 for a slalom in Zagreb. (With AFP)

The performance of the day: Kilde still on display after a perfect race

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