Boris Palmer sees problems in accepting people from Ukraine

Mayor of Tübingen
“First and second class refugees”: Boris Palmer criticizes services for Ukrainians

Tübingen’s Lord Mayor Boris Palmer (Greens) is once again quarrelsome (archive image)

© Christoph Schmidt / DPA

After the criticism of the alleged “social tourism” of Ukrainian refugees by CDU leader Merz, Tübingen’s mayor Boris Palmer initiates the next debate. He sees problems in accepting people from Ukraine.

Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer sees problems in taking in Ukrainian refugees. “It is incomprehensible why there should be first and second class refugees and why we provide so many services that people only change their previous country of refuge and come to Germany because of these increased performance incentives,” said Palmer in the podcast “Die Wochentester” of the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger and the editorial network Germany. There’s a problem, he said.

A few days ago, CDU leader Friedrich Merz caused a stir because he accused Ukrainian refugees of social tourism. A short time later, Merz apologized for it. The background to the debate is that Ukraine refugees – unlike other refugees – have direct access to the Hartz IV system. According to its own information, the federal government has no indications of abuse of services by Ukrainian refugees.

Boris Palmer jumps to the side of Friedrich Merz

Palmer said Merz should “not be intimidated.” But the CDU leader “didn’t help the term, because now the rebels have the upper hand again.”

Palmer has repeatedly caused a stir in the past with controversial statements. After allegations of racism, the politician will suspend his membership in the Greens until the end of 2023.


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