Boris Johnson: Will the war in Ukraine save the British PM? – Politics


Michael Neudecker, London

Tory politician Jacob Rees-Mogg is a lanky, grey-haired man with rimless glasses and cufflinks who recently revealed on a program that he has no jeans and no T-shirt. “Why would I want that?” Rees-Mogg asked, upper-class eyebrows furrowed. Jacob Rees-Mogg’s age is somewhere between 52 and 152, and it’s easy to say that he doesn’t necessarily have to be taken seriously. Not even when he says things like the other day when he described the Partygate scandal that almost cost Boris Johnson his office as “disproportionate stupid stuff” and “completely trivial”. Only, Rees-Mogg’s role in the UK government may be disproportionate, but it is certainly not trivial. He is the “Minister for Brexit Opportunities”, a state secretary for identifying Brexit opportunities, and one of the prominent voices in politics at that.

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