Boris Johnson “leaves with his head held high”, but sooner than expected

“Heads up”, of course, but sooner than expected. Boris Johnson, forced to leave 10 Downing Street after an accumulation of scandals, said he was “proud of the tremendous teamwork” accomplished under his leadership, before the deputies on Wednesday. He listed Brexit, the vaccination campaign against Covid-19, or even the “decisive role” of the United Kingdom vis-à-vis Ukraine against “the brutal invasion” by Russia of Vladimir Putin.

“It is absolutely true that I am leaving at a time that I did not choose,” added the British Prime Minister, almost a week after the announcement of his resignation, triggered by a mass exodus within his government. after too many scandals.

Lively exchange with the opposition

During a lively exchange with the leader of the Labor opposition Keir Starmer, who judged Boris Johnson lost in his illusions “until the end”, the conservative leader crushed his opponent who “never came with a idea or project for the country”. “I’m leaving but I’m leaving with my head held high,” he said during what is in principle his penultimate questioning session with the deputies.

“I’m going to miss this weekly nonsense,” Keir Starmer told the prime minister, after making thinly veiled attacks on ex-finance minister Rishi Sunak and his wealthy wife’s appeal to a tax status that allowed her to avoid paying taxes on foreign income.

Eight candidates to succeed him

After the announcement of the resignation of Boris Johnson last Thursday, eight candidates are in the race to succeed him at the head of the conservative party and Downing Street. A first round of voting by Conservative MPs takes place on Wednesday. At least one candidate will be eliminated, the one who comes last, or even several if they fail to obtain 30 votes.

Other rounds of voting will be organized until the two finalists are thus chosen. A postal vote, reserved for party members only, will thus be organised. The result is expected on September 5.

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