Boris Johnson: How he is destroying his own party

Once again, Prime Minister Johnson pulled his head out of the proverbial noose at the last moment. The report on the uninhibited party mood at 10 Downing Street, the seat of government, in the middle of the lockdowns was in every respect as devastating as announced. Is the British prime minister really just lucky – or does he have allies in influential positions?

Look at it this way: Boris Johnson is a man who is amazingly lucky. A man who, for six months now, has been slipping through the fingers of those who try to trip him up with “Partygate”. Any mere mortal Prime Minister should have taken his hat off long ago in the face of the overwhelming evidence of at least 16 illegal and sometimes extremely extravagant parties celebrated at his home at 10 Downing Street during the strict Covid lockdowns – at a time when many Britons were not leaving their allowed to say goodbye to closest family members who were dying.

Lots of “lucky coincidences”

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