Bored hangover has had enough of parties – and goes viral

See in the video: Bored hangover has had enough of parties – and goes viral.

The tomcat Stepan doesn’t seem to be impressed at all. But 950 thousand followers and over 42 million likes speak for themselves. With his unmotivated demeanor, the cat obviously speaks from the soul of many a user. Text: In front of the beer glass, with a martini, in front of the chocolate cake or just while listening to music. The tomcat Stepan doesn’t seem to be impressed at all. The four-legged friend is currently going viral on TikTok. annaolala already has almost 950 thousand followers and over 42 million likes on the social media platform. With its unmotivated clips, the hangover speaks to many users from the soul. “I said I would sit there on Saturday as well.” “Me at every party.” or simply “I.” are just some of the comments. Despite the hype, this cat doesn’t feel like partying.

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