Bored Ape NFT Holders Will Receive ‘ApeCoin’ Tokens Airdrop

Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT holders are going to be awarded an Airdrop token: ApeCoin (APE), which launched on Wednesday. However, the token was not created by Yuga Labs, the developer behind BAYC, but rather. It was created by ApeCoin DAO to represent decentralization.

ApeCoin uses BAYC’s skull logo, and Yuga Labs will use ApeCoin “as the main token for all new products and services,” including a blockchain game set to launch later this year. According to the press release, and on March 17, Animoca Brands blockchain game Benji Bananas will also use ApeCoin.

ApeCoins will have a total of 1 billion tokens. and has been distributed to stakeholders According to ApeCoin’s website, 9.75% of the tokens will be owned by Yuga Labs and 14% will be awarded to “In launch sponsorship, 8% will go exclusively to the four Yuga Labs founders, and 6.25% will be donated to the Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation.

In addition, Bored Ape and Mutant Ape NFT holders will be able to claim share of ApeCoin. BAYC holders can claim approximately 10,000 APE per BAYC NFT, while MAYC holders will be able to claim approximately 2,000 APE per NFT.

Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian will join the board of ApeCoin DAO, along with Amy Wu of FTX, Yat Siu of Animoca Brands, Maaria Bajwa of Sound Ventures, and Dean Steinbeck at Horizen Labs.

“For anyone who wants ApeCoin, the token will be available to everyone and is expected to start trading on major crypto exchanges soon.”

and most recently Coinbase , FTX , Binance US , Kraken , Gemini It announced that it would add support for APE tokens.

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