Bordeaux at the top of the “most attractive” metropolises according to a new observatory

Whether business leaders or employees, it is the metropolis of Bordeaux that they prefer. According to the first metropolis observatory Created by the Stan agency (business support) and Newton Offices (office operator), Bordeaux has been designated “the most attractive metropolis” among the twelve largest national metropolises.

The survey was conducted by Odoxa last September, among 312 managers (telephone interviews) and 1,085 employees (Internet survey), coming from different companies established in France. They were asked to express themselves regarding the metropolises of Grand Paris, Aix-Marseille-Provence, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes, Nice-Côte d’Azur, Strasbourg, Rouen Normandy, Montpellier Méditerranée and Rennes.

South-West and South-East popular with employees

“First lesson from the study: if all the metropolises studied are considered attractive by two thirds of the business leaders surveyed, Bordeaux, Lyon and Lille are perceived as the three most attractive. Employees largely share the preferences of companies, also placing Bordeaux at the top of this list, this time accompanied by the metropolises of Toulouse and Montpellier. It is also in the metropolis of Bordeaux that employees would most willingly settle if a professional opportunity presented itself. It is followed by the “southern” metropolises of Nice, Montpellier, Toulouse and Aix-Marseille-Provence. »

The ranking was established according to different criteria: mobility, real estate, environment, economic dynamism, quality of life, human capital. The criteria that matter most to employees are quality of life, the environment and real estate. “The most important criterion in the eyes of business leaders when developing an office or relocating their business is also the quality of life, but, unlike employees, they attach equally great importance or almost to the economic dynamism of the metropolis, which comes in second position,” points out the study.

“Quality of life, culture and education become non-negotiable”

According to the auditing and consulting firm KPMG, which was asked to analyze this study, this is a real turning point. “Barely a decade ago, we could see a total correlation between the attractiveness of metropolises and their economic indicators (growth, employment, investments, etc.). Today, quality of life, culture and education are becoming non-negotiable. »

Finally, almost three-quarters of French employees (74%) indicate that they are “ready to settle in one of the twelve metropolises tested if a professional opportunity presented itself”. If a boost in salary or position would obviously facilitate their decision-making, but “44% of respondents would be candidates for an unconditional departure in one of these twelve metropolises. » Young people and residents of the Paris metropolitan area would even be more than 6 out of 10 to volunteer initially in this configuration.

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