Book deal for Britney Spears? – Culture

Britney Spears is writing a book about her life – and a US publisher is paying millions for it. The US celebrity portal “Page Six” reports that “Simon & Schuster” is said to have secured the rights to the singer’s memoir for $15 million (about 13 million euros) – a similar amount to what former US President Bill Clinton negotiated in 2001. Before the 40-year-old Spears signed with the New York publishing house, there was a bidding war between different houses, “Page Six” quotes an insider as saying. He says: “The deal is one of the biggest ever, behind the Obamas.” Although the distance to the former US presidential couple is still far: Their books are said to have brought Barack and Michelle Obama more than 60 million dollars five years ago.

So far, neither Simon & Schuster nor Britney Spears have wanted to comment on the alleged agreement. Spears has made headlines beyond pop music in recent years: she was probably under her father’s guardianship against her will for more than 13 years until a court overturned it last year. There were countless fans on social media under the hashtag #freeBritney in solidarity with the singer. Spears’ view of her “toxic” life and her relationship with her family – which she sees as being misrepresented in a publication by her sister – is intended to be the focus of the tell-all book alongside a review of her career. Spears hinted at the beginning of the year that she wants to rewrite her life in book form. Posting a picture of a typewriter on Instagram, she asked, “Should I start FROM THE BEGINNING???”

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