Book bestsellers: These books were the most sold in 2022

2022 is over and Amazon has compiled a list of the best selling books of the year. What are the book bestsellers 2022?

What are the most popular books of the past year? If you are still looking for an exciting book to start the new year with good reading, you have come to the right place. Whether it’s a guide, a thriller or a philosophical novel: the book bestsellers 2022 have some titles worth reading ready. The books that were sold particularly often on Amazon or Thalia in 2022 include new releases such as Fitzek’s new psychological thriller as well as well-known bestsellers such as “The Café on the Edge of the World”. These are the top sellers.

1. Stefanie Stahl: The child in you must find a home

It is well known that negative experiences in early childhood shape the psyche into adulthood. Psychologist and bestselling author Stefanie Stahl encourages you to come to terms with the past and deal with your inner child. With simple examples, she shows ways to strengthen self-confidence: It is important to accept yourself, to communicate clearly, to act purposefully and to learn to enjoy life.

Conclusion: Suitable for a good start into the new year, this guide will help you get to know yourself better and make relationships with others happier. No wonder this bestseller book has been on the bestseller list for years. While the guide took first place at the shipping giant Amazon in 2022, it is at Thalia the fifth best-selling book.

  • genre: Counselor
  • pages: 288

2. Sebastian Fitzek: facial expressions

Hannah Herbst convicts criminals based on their facial expressions – as a facial expression resonance expert, she interprets people’s body language and has already been able to solve a number of cases. But after an operation, she suffers from memory loss and at the same time is confronted with the most terrible case of her career: a previously unremarkable woman has brutally murdered her own family. But she manages to escape from prison, and Hannah only has a short confession video of the woman to find her. The catch: The killer in the video is Hannah herself.

Conclusion: bestselling author Sebastian Fitzek has achieved another hit with this exciting psychological thriller. The story is captivating and surprises with some plot twists. Thalia’s top 100 list reads “facial expressions” even in 1st place.

  • genre: Psychological thriller
  • pages: 384

3. Delia Owens: The Song of the Crayfish

The death of Chase Andrews draws attention to Kya Clark, who lives in isolation in the marshlands. The residents of the coastal town agree: the marching girl is guilty of death. She lives alone in nature and calls stone, seabird and shells her family. When two young men notice the beautiful girl, their lives are turned upside down.

Conclusion: The story of the marching girl thrives on atmospheric descriptions of nature and exciting storylines. If you’re looking for an intense page turner, look no further than Delia Owens’ debut novel. Not only at Amazon counts novel to the book bestsellers 2022, Thalia has also sold many copies.

  • genre: crime story, coming-of-age drama
  • pages: 464

4. Thomas Kehl: The only book you should read about finance

How do you invest money profitably? Former investment banker Thomas Kehl and journalist Mona Linke explain in detail how to invest and grow money safely with the help of stocks and ETFs.

Conclusion: If you are looking for an easy-to-understand financial guide, this is it Book bestseller 2022 find it. Written by the content creators of the Finance Flow YouTube channel, you get a no-fuss crash course on wealth building.

  • genre: Financial Advisor
  • pages: 288

5. John Strelecky: The Cafe on the Edge of the World

A visit to a small café (on the edge of the world) changes the life of stressed advertising manager John. He’s passing through and doesn’t really want to stay long, but then he sees three questions on the menu: Why are you here? Are you afraid of death? Do you live a full life? John begins to think about the meaning of life and realizes that many things in his life could be different.

Conclusion: This short story stubbornly stays on the bestseller lists. That entertaining book humorously and profoundly looks at life from different angles and offers an invitation to reflection.

  • genre: A story about the meaning of life
  • pages: 128

6. Kurt Krömer: You mustn’t believe everything you think

Kurt Krömer, whose real name is Alexander Bojcan, became known as a comedian. The single father and sober alcoholic no longer wants to hide. In his book he speaks ruthlessly openly about his severe depression and the time in the day clinic. Bojcan not only wants to break a taboo, but also wants to give hope to people who suffer from the disease themselves with the open life story.

Conclusion: Despite the difficult subject matter, this book is not a report of suffering – rather, the reader receives a comical and extremely endearing declaration of love for life and art. Both at Amazon and at Thalia counts the book as one of the bestsellers of the past year.

  • genre: Biography
  • pages: 192

7. Bonnie Garmus: A Matter of Chemistry

It’s 1961 and chemist Elizabeth Zott is trying to pursue her career in a male-dominated world. Women are condemned to wear shirt dresses and join the garden club instead of being involved in science. Only the lonely Nobel Prize candidate Calvin Evans believes in Elizabeth – but even in 1961, life throws its hurdles in the way.

Conclusion: Elizabeth Zott is a literary heroine who offers a profound and emotional story captivates. Charming, feminist, entertaining – thanks to the cheerful writing style, this bestseller 2022 turns out to be ideal holiday reading.

  • genre: Fiction
  • pages: 464

8. James Clear: The 1% Method. Minimum change, maximum effect

The new year has begun and the question arises as to how long we will be able to keep the good resolutions going this year. Whether losing weight, quitting smoking or professional goals: “The 1% method” reveals how you can change habits in the long term. According to best-selling author James Clear, if you put in a little effort each day, you’ll achieve your goals. Small changes with a big effect – that’s the motto.

Conclusion: If you want to restructure your everyday life in a sustainable way and not just stay on the ball for a short time, you should do it this year with the “1% method” Try it. At Amazon, the guide is the 8th best-selling book in 2022.

  • genre: self-help
  • pages: 368

9. Marc-Uwe Kling: The NO Horn

The defiant NEINhorn doesn’t want to – “No” is his favorite word. It’s not acting like a unicorn at all and even breaks out of its cotton candy world one day. On its way it meets the WASbär, the NAhUND and the KönigsDOCHter. Since everyone has a mind of their own, there is never a dull moment among the new friends.

Conclusion: With good wit and funny illustrations, the children’s book not only convinces the little ones. “The NOhorn” by Marc-Uwe Kling is recommended from the age of three – but even one or two adults will not be able to resist a laugh when reading it.

  • genre: children’s book
  • pages: 48

10. Philippa Perry: The book you wish your parents had read

Psychotherapist and mother Philippa Perry explains what is important in the relationship between parents and children in the best-selling book The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read. How do mistakes arise in the relationship – and are they even related to one’s own childhood? Philippa Perry shows how we can heal painful experiences from our own childhood instead of passing them on to our own children.

Conclusion: In particular, parents or parents-to-be will this guide recommended. The author sensitizes you to think about a lot and also to reflect on yourself. Thanks to simple, clear writing and practical examples, readers can learn a lot for their own upbringing of their children.

  • genre: Parenting Guide
  • pages: 320

Book bestseller 2022: What is worth reading?

The book bestsellers 2022 are surprisingly varied. Some of the best-selling books on Amazon include self-improvement guides, parenting guides, financial guides, crime fiction, and inspirational stories. Thalia also has some of these best-selling books on the top 100 list. Whether it’s worth reading or not: Of course, that depends on personal taste in books. In this top 10, however, there is certainly the right reading for every taste.

Note: This article first appeared on

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