Bolsonaro wants to return to Brazil from the USA – Politics

After his supporters stormed government buildings in the Brazilian capital Brasília, ex-President Jair Bolsonaro announced an early return from the USA to his home country. “I came to stay until the end of the month but I plan to bring my return forward,” Bolsonaro told CNN Brasil.

Two days before the end of his term on New Year’s Eve, Bolsonaro flew with his family to the United States, where he has been in Florida since then. Earlier this week, Bolsonaro was admitted to a US hospital with severe abdominal pain. He was released again on Tuesday.

The US State Department declined to comment on Bolsonaro’s residency status in the United States. According to the US government, however, there is no extradition request against the former head of state.

On Sunday, Bolsonaro supporters stormed Congress, the seat of government and the Supreme Court in Brasília, causing extensive damage. The situation was only under control a few hours later. Bolsonaro’s successor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva accused Bolsonaro of inciting his supporters. The ex-president denied the allegations. A committee of inquiry into the actions of his followers could now be set up, according to a statement by the Brazilian Senate.

Arrest warrant issued for Brasília security chief

As a result of the riots, an arrest warrant has been issued for the head of security in the capital Brasília. Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes on Tuesday ordered the arrest of Anderson Torres. Torres was justice minister in the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro. Earlier this month, he took over as Brasília’s security chief.

The judge also issued an arrest warrant against the head of Brazil’s military police, Fabio Augusto Vieira. Both had failed to take appropriate safety precautions, it was said to justify. Torres was removed from office on Sunday. He was out of town at the time of the riots and was vacationing in Florida with his family. He will return to Brazil and face justice, he wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. Vieira could not immediately be reached for comment.

Right-wing populist Bolsonaro narrowly lost the runoff election at the end of October against left-wing politician Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He did not acknowledge his electoral defeat and flew to Florida two days before the end of his term in office. Lula, who was sworn in on January 1, blames Bolsonaro for the outbreak of violence. He rejects that.

The scenes in Brasília are reminiscent of the riots at the seat of the US Congress in Washington on January 6, 2021. At that time, supporters of the still incumbent US President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, where the Republican’s election defeat by Joe Biden was to be officially authenticated .

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