Boku, the Japanese toilets that will take pride of place on your toilets

What do a design school, the first confinement and Japan have in common? They all three inspired the creation of Boku, the Parisian start-up that wants to transform French toilets into Japanese toilets. For those who have never been to the “Land of the Rising Sun”, there, people do not wipe themselves with paper after the small or the big commission. A jet of water, followed by a small breath of air to dry off, does the job. A technique known to be more hygienic at all levels. Despite its qualities, this type of toilet is extremely rare in France, a lack that Boku would like to remedy.

“The idea came to me during the first confinement, in March 2020, explains William Montagu, the founder of Boku, with my parents we threw ourselves on toilet paper like many French people, for fear of the shortage. “Just graduated from a design school, the young entrepreneur then leans on the subject and discovers “an ecological disaster”: “It takes 178 liters of water to make a roll of toilet paper and an average European uses 120 rolls per year. The calculation is quickly done ! »

Boku kit turns toilets into Japanese toilets – William Montagu

By sharing this discovery with friends, some tell him about the Japanese system. But there is a catch: the device costs at least 1,500 euros and is very difficult to install technically. William Montagu then went in search of a system that could adapt to the thrones that already adorn our toilets. This system already exists in Japan, but seems difficult to import.

Crowdfunding explodes the counters

The young designer then embarked on the creation of his own device. “I wanted a device that was easy to install, which would adapt to the vast majority of existing toilets in France and which would produce as little waste as possible. Once all the drawings and technical studies have been carried out, William Montagu holds his system and reveals his idea to Ulule, the crowdfunding platform. “I canvassed French manufacturers at first, but they wanted me to invest for an initial production of 20,000 pieces, which was impossible given my funds. In the absence of a French partner, he found a manufacturer in China who had a design office, which could then produce and help in the technical realization of the product.

Ulule is totally seduced by the project and offers it a place on its platform, and it will not regret it. The presentation video has gathered two million views, to the point of becoming number 1 in the “Health & well-being” section and the crowdfunding campaign, carried out from December 14, 2021 to January 28, is a hit: “The objective was the financing of 50 pre-orders, we had 4,000. »

A more hygienic system than paper

It must be said that the Boku device presents convincing arguments. The starting idea at first: those who have tested Japanese toilets are, in general, won over. And Boku is no exception to the rule. This is a plastic arm that attaches to the toilet seat, and which reveals a bamboo button on the user’s right. By turning this knob slightly to the right, it triggers a jet of water which cleanses the anal area. By turning it to the left, the jet will be directed towards the vulvar area.

The Boku kit turns the toilet into a Japanese toilet
Boku kit turns toilets into Japanese toilets – William Montagu

Perfect for the big commission but also for the intimate hygiene of women, as its creator wanted. “It’s very useful, for example, for pregnant women and for people with reduced mobility for washing. “Because the question of hygiene is essential for William Montagu. Japanese toilets have the advantage of limiting the risk of urinary and anal infections, and cold water, by stimulating blood circulation, can even reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, according to the entrepreneur.

Practical and more ecological

Practical, its system adapts to most toilets thanks to its two knobs which are adjusted according to them. A 1.50 meter cable allows you to connect the Boku to the water supply: “Therefore, no stagnant water, the water is as clean as the one with which you brush your teeth”, emphasizes William Montagu. And all this without electricity. Since sockets are rarely found next to the toilet, the system only works thanks to the pressure of the water. Ideal for tenants, for example, who cannot do major work in their bathroom. The Boku system (119 euros) will be available from April on

Water, precisely, was a central point for the young designer. Its approach is also ecological. Also, he calculated that 600 cl was enough for a toilet. He thus assesses the annual gain at 17,088 liters per year and per person compared to paper. But because the device has to be manufactured and imported from China, he wants to offset these energy costs by planting a tree in France for each Boku sold, in partnership with Reforest’Action.

More products to come

Hygiene, comfort, ecology and practicality… These principles, William Montagu wants to apply them to all the products that will come out in the future. Because other projects, still secret, will complete the catalog of Boku, which wants to become an important brand of well-being in France. A minimum of three new products are planned for 2022. In the meantime, William Montagu continues to grow his business. Looking for new offices, he is currently based in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, for next September, he hopes to be able to hire the “freelancers” who have been helping him with development for a few months.

Ah, and by the way, why did you choose Boku to name his company? “Hygiene and the toilets are a subject that is sometimes embarrassing and not always easy to tackle. I wanted a funny name, reminiscent of what we do, with a Japanese sound. This brings lightness and de-dramatizes the subject. »

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