BMW chooses BNB Chain for its customer loyalty program in Thailand.

German automaker BMW plans to integrate blockchain technology into its daily operations and create a loyalty program for its customers in Thailand. The popular automaker has partnered with blockchain infrastructure company Coinweb as a provider of a “smart vehicle” architecture. decentralized and BNB Chain for transactions

The integration of blockchain technology into BMW’s workflow will take place in two steps. It will be integrated into BMW’s daily operations with the aim of automating time-consuming manual processes. and increase flexibility in the company’s auto loan service

The second part of the project will involve Coinweb developing a Web3 application for BMW customer loyalty program. The program will use a blockchain-based reward model to incentivize BMW Group customers based on their level and status in the system. The ecosystem will be determined by the loyalty rewards they earn for their actions and will be able to use these rewards to purchase goods and services from BMW as well as from future connected ecosystems where the BNB chain will be used for operations. transaction

Coinweb CEO Toby Gilbert talks about how customers get rewarded. Customers are rewarded every time they interact with the BMW ecosystem, whether it’s “purchasing a new car or getting into service.”

“Customers will be rewarded with accumulated points. And they will be able to spend within the ecosystem. Our hope is that it will be released globally in the future. But now our cooperation is for Thailand.”

Bjorn Antonsson (Bjorn Antonsson), head of leasing at BMW Thailand, said the company has been following the progress of the technology. decentralized And various use cases have continued over the years, with Antonsson hoping that the inclusion of blockchain technology in their day-to-day operations will help reduce manual paperwork. and contribute to the efficiency and transparency of the company.

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