Blueberry Snail: Delicious recipe to bake at home

You only need four ingredients for this great recipe! Difficulty level: Simple

Recipe for the Blueberry Snail Deluxe:


1 pack of ready-made pizza dough

2-3 tbsp brown sugar

250g blueberries

Some powdered sugar for dusting

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (top and bottom heat).
2. Roll out the pizza dough and cut into strips 4-5cm wide
3. Cover the strips in the middle with blueberries
4. Fold the sides of the dough over the blueberries and press together with your fingers
5. Grease a round springform pan and arrange the blueberry snakes in a spiral
Bake 6.10-15 minutes
7. When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve

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