Blockades at Berlin Central Station and Potsdamer Platz

Last generation climate activists continued their protests on Monday. The expected large-scale operation in Berlin has not materialized so far.

The last generation is blocking Invalidenstrasse.Elizabeth Rushton

Last generation climate activists continued their blockades and protests on Monday. As the police confirmed on request, the blockades began in the morning at Berlin Central Station. On Invalidenstrasse, at the corner of Friedrich-List-Ufer, five people glued themselves to the street near the tram stop.

At a second protest at Mehringplatz, Hallesches Ufer, at the corner of Wilhelmstraße, seven people stuck themselves to the road. The activists’ demands included a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour on motorways and the reintroduction of the 9-euro ticket throughout Germany.

Last generation: Blockades in Munich too

There were also protest actions at Potsdamer Platz. As the police explained to the Berliner Zeitung on Monday afternoon, all blockades have been lifted. Traffic is flowing again.

Last Generation Actions on Monday

  • Invalidenstrasse – ended
  • Hallesches Ufer – ended
  • Potsdamer Platz – ended

When asked by the Berliner Zeitung, a Last Generation spokeswoman said today’s road blockades had taken place on the scale planned. But: “We will only be satisfied when the government reacts to us and takes the measures necessary for the current situation.” There have been some “violent reactions” from drivers who tried to remove the activists from the street themselves – what but nothing unusual, the spokeswoman said.

On Friday, when the resumption of the Last Generation roadblocks was announced in an online press conference, its co-founder Henning Jeschke said that disruptions “can be expected everywhere” and that the group wants to “get into the arteries of society”. The spokeswoman explained that today’s tape actions did not lead to any major traffic chaos in Berlin, with the fact that the focus of the activists was more on Munich today. There, nine people stuck themselves to the central Stachus, which caused the roadway to be closed for two and a half hours; other activists climbed gantries on the A9 and A96 motorways.

The background to this was the conviction of several Munich activists last month to imprisonment or large fines for their participation in road blockades; many of those affected were among today’s demonstrators in Munich. “We were very shocked that there could be such a strong and violent reaction to peaceful people and that the penalties were also so severe,” said the spokeswoman. “But we won’t be deterred. If that’s the city’s response, then let’s not let them chafe us and show we’ve got thicker skin.” Last Generation activists remain “determined,” the spokeswoman said, and will continue with their planned disruptive actions for this week planned to continue.

Extinction Rebellion also wants to continue demonstrating this week

Activists from Extinction Rebellion had also announced several actions for this week in Berlin. This morning the group demonstrated in front of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Transport; she called for a “species protection emergency” to be declared in Germany and for more action to be taken against the extinction of species. The occasion was the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference, which starts on Wednesday in Montreal, Canada. Another protest action is also planned for Wednesday. At an unannounced location, activists dressed as politicians will approach people to discourage them from voting. The action was to end in a “die-in,” with activists playing dead in protest — to symbolize how “democracy is dying.”

Extinction Rebellion activists demonstrate in front of the Federal Environment Ministry in Berlin on Monday.  They call for more protection for biodiversity at the start of the UN biodiversity conference on Wednesday.

Extinction Rebellion activists demonstrate in front of the Federal Environment Ministry in Berlin on Monday. They call for more protection for biodiversity at the start of the UN biodiversity conference on Wednesday.Extinction Rebellion

The campaign takes place one day after the Berlin Senate voted on the election date for the referendum for climate neutrality in Berlin by 2030. Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) has recently taken the position that it will not be possible to hold the referendum on the same day as the re-election; the vote would have to take place at a later date. The activists were appalled by their position: “With this decision by the SPD, the interests of Berliners are trampled underfoot and Germany’s democracy is massively damaged,” said a press release by Extinction Rebellion. The SPD “blocks the demands of thousands of socially committed people”. If, contrary to expectations, the Senate decides to hold an election on February 12, the action will be canceled, it said.

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