Blizzcon 2023: Blizzard announces more endgame for Diablo 4

At its Blizzcon in-house trade fair, Blizzard announced various innovations for Diablo 4. The biggest headlines were made by the upcoming add-on Vessel of Hatred, which continues the story of the ruler of hatred Mephisto and sends heroes into the jungle world of Nahantu known from Diablo 2. In the near future, however, the team wants to bring new endgame content and events (via Raxxanterax).

Among other things, fans were surprised when Blizzard introduced five new unique rings on stage. These Malignant Rings are intended to bring back part of the first Diablo 4 season and transfer the most powerful aspects into a ring for each playable class. There will also be a preview if players want to reroll items with the Mystic.

It’s Christmas in Sanctuary

From December 5th there will also be a new endgame activity: Abattoir of Zir. This six-week event is intended to be a challenge for level 100 characters. The minions of Lord Zir, the vampire villain of the current Diablo season, are fought and a special and particularly powerful vampire glyph is improved.

At Christmas time, Blizzard wants to start the first event that is independent of the actual season. Starting December 12th, Sanctuary will celebrate Midwinter Blight. The team didn’t go into specific details. Players can probably earn and buy special winter skins and cosmetic items here. This has been the case with other Blizzard titles such as World of Warcraft and Overwatch.

In the future, Diablo 4 will also introduce leaderboards. There, competitive players can measure themselves against each other and their game performance against other fans. The leaderboards already existed in Diablo 3, but were omitted at the launch of the fourth part. The best characters of a season should also be immortalized in an overview, including the skill builds they use.

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