Bizarre talk show appearance by Polański’s wife Emmanuelle Seigner – Media


Johanna Adorjan

What did she ride? On Saturday night, actress Emmanuelle Seigner, who is married to Roman Polański, was on the French talk show Source Epoque guest on France 2 and she made everything on the well-known case of her husband bad anyway, gets worse within minutes. The director is accused of raping several women and other cases of sexualised violence. His wife has now written a book that will be published in France on Wednesday: “Une Vie Incendiée” (A life set on fire – this actually means hers). Already through the pre-orders, it established itself at number 1 on It is a mixture of diary and courtroom thriller, Seigner said on France 2. Content: her husband’s ten-month imprisonment in Switzerland in 2009/10, first in prison and then converted to house arrest.

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