“Bitcoin Needs Upgrades Similar to Caradano To Survive” : Charles Hoskinson

Charles Hoskinson believes the transition to the new Bitcoin protocol is essential to the network’s survival, in the video.updateThat new chief Cardano said.

“EPA and DOE will start talking to crypto companies telling them to change the way they work. cryptocurrencies In other words, Bitcoin should be banned.”

However, using the Cardano Ofelimous protocol can help Bitcoin avoid the fury of regulators and survive as a digital currency. Ofelimous is a proof-of-useful-work (PoUW) protocol whose main purpose is to reduce carbon. footprint of a PoW chain like Bitcoin

Given the scale of adoption of the digital asset space, Hoskinson believes that crypto mining carbon ratings by authorities around the world are inevitable. He also reiterated his stance that PoS is significantly superior to PoW.

He went on to say that the report reflects the “huge” advantages of PoS systems in terms of precision deployment.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has revealedreportThe latest stated The contribution of crypto in energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is significant. The document also weighs in on the use of blockchain technology to help protect the climate and recommends ways to reduce or mitigate the environmental impact of digital assets.

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