Births start to rise again in July, after plunging in winter

The summer babies have arrived. In July 2021, France counted 2,120 births on average per day, the same level as in July 2020. “Most of these babies were conceived in October 2020, before the second confinement”,
observes INSEE, specifying that July is the “month of the year in which the most children are generally born”.

Nine months after the start (March 2020) of the first confinement imposed to stop the Covid pandemic, births had fallen sharply in France: -7% of newborns in December 2020 compared to December 2019, -13% in January 2021 compared to January 2020. The “context of health crisis and high uncertainty may have discouraged couples from procreating, encourage them to postpone their parenting plans for several months”, explains the statistics institute. Fears of “possible transmission of the virus from mother to newborn may also play”.

Parental plans postponed during confinement

Medically assisted procreation centers were closed during this first confinement in spring 2020, also notes INSEE. “We observe a rise in births in February, nine months after the end of the first confinement, compared to January”, it is noted in the publication, possible sign that the parental plans had been postponed during the first confinement.

“This upturn was confirmed in March, then again in April, the first months when the babies who were born were all conceived after the confinement of spring 2020. It could be the sign of a gradual resumption of parenting projects in exit from the first confinement, ”according to INSEE. In May (-2% compared to May 2020) and June (-1%), births fell again slightly, seeming to join the downward trend in births observed in recent years.

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