Birthday splurge raises questions

Sophia Thomalla can look forward to numerous congratulations on her birthday.Image: Matthias Wehnert / imago images/Future Image


Jennifer Ullrich

There was just speculation about Sophia Thomalla’s pregnancy after she shared a photo with her partner Alexander Zverev from his old nursery. In the description she joked that they would bring home four plush pandas for the children’s room.

It is not known exactly how the couple is planning to have children, but the presenter will celebrate her 34th birthday on October 6th. On this occasion, she can certainly look forward to a gift from Zverev. Meanwhile, an acquaintance of hers was strolling unsuspectingly along the Berlin Wall on Friday and suddenly spotted Sophia Thomalla’s face.

Special gift for Sophia Thomalla

Boss Burns aka Alec Völkel from The BossHoss spoke up on October 6th with a video post on Instagram and reported a strange discovery. “I’m on the way to the train station, to the tour. And then you’re on the Berlin Wall or something,” he speaks directly to Sophia Thomalla.

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Clearly visible in the background is a graffiti portrait on the wall that is supposed to represent Sophia Thomalla with blonde hair. The addition “Happy Birthday Sophia” leaves no doubt. With a wink, Alec Völkel then calls the model “Mauer-Mona-Lisa”.

Who is behind the action remains unclear. The musician can also only puzzle and asks Sophia Thomalla: “Who left you this nice birthday greeting?”. He also commented:

“Others write cards, you’re on the Berlin Wall! Crazy… Happy Birthday, Sophia!”

Mystery about Thomalla graffiti

The presenter herself also noticed that she was immortalized on the Berlin Wall. She shared Alec Völkel’s video on her Instagram story and captioned the post with three heart emojis. She did not elaborate on the apparent birthday event. At least one thing is certain: she is happy about the special greeting.

The Thomalla portrait was also well received in the comments on The BossHoss singer’s profile. One user finds the whole thing “appropriate” and raves: “Love it”. Another follower suggests that The BossHoss should also be present on the Berlin Wall.

Now it remains to be seen whether Sophia Thomalla will comment on the campaign in more detail. By the way, just a few days ago she visited another wall: the Great Wall of China. She shared impressions of this on social media. “Got up at 5:30 a.m. to be the first on the wall. What an experience,” she cheered. Several people in the comments envied her.

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