Birds count: this is how you can help nature conservation organizations

natural reserve
Tit, blackbird or sparrow – people should count the birds in front of their window

Anyone who counts birds now is likely to encounter one or the other blue tit

© Patrick Pleul / Picture Alliance

It’s that time again: people across the country are called to count the birds in front of their windows and doors. Nature conservation organizations invite you to the “hour of the winter birds” from Thursday to Sunday. And everyone can take part.

If you just look out the window for an hour, you will meet many a guest there. People across the country are invited again to count the birds outside their windows, doors and balconies. From Thursday, January 6th to Sunday, January 9th, the nationwide “Hour of the Winter Birds” will run again. The State Association for Bird Protection (LBV) in Hilpoltstein, Bavaria and the Nature Conservation Association Germany (Nabu) in Berlin call for this. According to them, it is the largest scientific hands-on campaign in Germany.

For the twelfth time, the population should help to collect valuable data about the local bird life. The LBV announced that it was not about a complete record of all birds, but rather about detecting creeping changes. To do this, the data would be compared over several years.

It is best to watch the birds with food

According to the nature conservation associations, more than 236,000 people took part in the campaign last January. Most often they had spotted house sparrows, great tits and tree sparrows.

If you want to take part this time, you only have to count the birds at the feeding place in the garden, on the balcony, in front of the window or in the park for one hour during the observation period and report them via the Internet, by app or by phone. According to the Nabu, the birds are best observed at bird feeders and dumpling dispensers.


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