Bio: Bioverband demands compensation from pesticide manufacturers – economy

German organic producers pay many millions of euros a year to test organic products for toxin residues – costs that consumers ultimately have to bear. An organic association no longer wants to accept this.


Silvia Liebrich

Anyone who buys organic food does so to eat healthily – and free from pesticides. The latter are regularly used in conventional agriculture. However, this use is also expensive for organic producers. Because the industry has to prove through complex analyzes that their products are free of chemical substances. The Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) recorded in a survey for the first time. The result: Organic processors and producers pay a good 23 million euros annually for the necessary residue analyzes alone. Costs that consumers ultimately have to bear. The BNN presented the study this week in Nuremberg at the Biofach, the world’s largest trade fair for the organic sector.

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