Binance Launches “Bitcoin Cloud Mining” Service for 1 Terahash = 373 Baht

Binance has announced the launch of a subscription-based “Bitcoin cloud mining” product, priced at 1 terahash per second (Th/s) at $10.7280, split between the hash rate and electricity costs of $1.17 and $9.558 respectively.

Since June 15, anyone who is interested in mining Bitcoin but does not have their own equipment. You can subscribe to Binance’s cloud mining service by purchasing hash rate.

Binance currently sells 1 terahhash per second (Th/s) at $10.7280, which is split between the hash rate and electricity costs of $1.17 and $9.558, respectively. Higher in terms of Bitcoin obtained from mining

Binance’s BTC mining subscription service will run for 180 days, or about six months. For each TH/s purchase, the user receives 0.0004338 BTC during the period.

this latest service Not available to crypto investors residing in the United States. Regarding the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission crackdown, Binance clarified that “ is a separate entity. And our users will not be affected by the problems at Binance.US.”

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