Billion dollar takeover: Musk now wants to buy Twitter after all

Status: 04.10.2022 21:40

Tech billionaire Musk now wants to take over the online service Twitter – as originally planned for $ 44 billion. This could make a legal dispute with Twitter obsolete.

Tech billionaire Elon Musk now wants to complete the multi-billion takeover of the online service Twitter. The Tesla boss confirmed this in a mandatory notification to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

In a letter, Musk suggested that the deal be completed at the originally agreed purchase price of $54.20 per share, his lawyers said, confirming a report by the Bloomberg financial service.

Spectacular turn

This marks a spectacular turning point in the conflict surrounding the takeover, which cost around 44 billion dollars. A statement from Twitter was initially not available.

Musk actually voided the April purchase agreement in July because Twitter allegedly misrepresented the number of fake accounts on its platform. However, the company insisted on compliance with the purchase agreement and went to court.

The process is actually supposed to start in October to clarify whether Musk can withdraw from the takeover. The legal dispute could still be avoided with the latest turn of events.

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