Bill Clinton: He’ll be leaving the hospital soon

Bill Clinton
He’ll be able to leave the hospital soon

Bill Clinton is currently in a California hospital with an infection.

© Dennis Van Tine / / ImageCollect

Bill Clinton is on the mend. He should be able to leave the hospital soon.

After concerns about Bill Clinton (75), a spokesman for the 42nd President of the United States once again gives the all-clear. The 75-year-old is expected to leave the hospital soon. However, he should spend at least one more night there.

Clinton is still being treated for an infection at UCI Medical Center, California, explains his spokesman on Twitter. In terms of health, things are going in the right direction, but since the former US president continues to receive intravenous antibiotics, he will stay in the hospital overnight.

Former President “in an excellent mood”

“President Clinton remains in excellent spirits,” the spokesman continued. The 75-year-old is “deeply grateful for the excellent care” and for the many well-being wishes that reached him from all over the world.

It was previously announced that Clinton had been admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit Tuesday evening with a urinary tract infection. The treating doctors had already stated in a statementthat he was on the mend and it was hoped that Clinton could go home soon.


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