Bilal Hassani will dance with a man, a first in France

The eleventh season of Dance with the stars will be that of novelties. Renewed jury, modernized decor, there will be changes around the floor of the TF1 show from Friday, September 17. The celebrities, too, do not hesitate to breathe a breath of fresh air into the program. Among them, singer Bilal Hassani will dance as a couple with another man, a first for the French version.

“When we met him, he told us ‘I dream of doing it but I would like to dance with a man’. It was in the same sentence. It was a very natural thing for him, which he defends, ”explained Frédéric Pedraza, deputy managing director in charge of content at TF1 Production, during a press conference at which 20 minutes has assisted.

“In the aesthetics of the dance and of what he is on stage, he told us that he did not see himself guided but more in female postures and positions as a dancer,” added Deborah Nahon, director. entertainment at TF1 Production. For him, it was obvious. He saw himself more being carried than carried, for example. For him, it was very clear to dance with a man. “

“It allows you to renew yourself”

This is not the first time in the world that a same-sex couple will participate in the competition. “It has already been done in many countries: the United States, England, Australia, says Géry Leymergie, deputy managing director in charge of content at BBC Studios France. In any case, it is not a concern with respect to the format, on the contrary, it allows for renewal. “

For now, the dancing couples and their celebrity have not been revealed. Bilal Hassani could therefore dance with Maxime Dereymez, Christophe Licata, Anthony Colette or Jordan Mouillerac who are all four returning to the show. Unless the production decides to associate it with one of the newcomers of this season, namely Joël Luzolo, Samuel Texier or Adrien Caby.

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