Bike put to the test: Contoura Fe-14 – Auto & Mobil


Marco Völklein

Model names for bicycles can be very confusing. Some manufacturers have their own system of abbreviations and numbering, while others let name developers invent futuristic-sounding expressions. The manufacturer Hartje, based in Hoya an der Weser in Lower Saxony, uses the periodic table for its Contoura brand, which many people probably know from chemistry lessons at school: bicycles with aluminum frames are labeled with Al and an ordinal number – the higher the number Number, the higher quality the equipment. It is similar with the models with steel frames, these are given the identifier Fe (stands for iron) and also an ordinal number. If you are interested in an e-bike, you have to look out for the identifier Li – it stands for lithium (because of the lithium-ion batteries built into the pedelecs).


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