Bike plan: the State releases 250 million euros to accelerate the transition

The government plans to allocate 250 million euros next year to the development of cycling infrastructure, i.e. half of the envelope initially planned until 2025, to make France “a cycling nation”, announced Tuesday Elisabeth Borne.

The Prime Minister drew positive conclusions from a first “bicycle plan” presented by her four years ago when she was still Minister of Transport, but “wanted to go further” with this new fund which will be used, according to The Parisianto finance cycle paths and secure car parks.

\ud83d\udd35 EXCLUSIVE | Elisabeth Borne presents this Tuesday a plan to boost the use of bicycles in France

The executive plans to devote 250 million euros in 2023 to help municipalities build cycle paths and secure parking lots

– The Parisian (@le_Parisian) September 20, 2022

The Prime Minister also promised to maintain aid for the acquisition of bicycles and the establishment of a “French bicycle industry”, from assembly to recycling and repair.

She also wanted to train an entire age group, ie 800,000 young people, to practice cycling via a diploma “knowing how to ride a bike” and announced the meeting of an interministerial committee on cycling every six months.

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