“big” names, “small” regulars and complete strangers… 37 French lists in the running – Libération

European elections 2024 case

At the end of the deadline for submitting candidatures on Friday May 17, the Ministry of the Interior validated 37 lists for the ballot which will be held on June 9. That’s three more than five years ago.

A particularly diverse new vintage. In total, 37 lists submitted their candidacy in France for the European elections on June 9, three more than in 2019, according to a decree from the Ministry of the Interior published this Saturday, May 18 in Official newspaper. The deadline for submitting applications was Friday May 17, 6 p.m. Each list must bring together 81 names, i.e. the number of elected representatives for France in the European Parliament. There are therefore 2,997 French candidates.

The “big” names

The main lists led by Valérie Hayer (Renaissance), Marie Toussaint (Les ecologists), Manon Aubry (LFI), Jordan Bardella (RN), Léon Deffontaines (PCF), Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place Publique), François-Xavier Bellamy ( LR) and Marion Maréchal (Reconquête) are obviously in the race.

Former presidential candidates are also in the running. This is the case of Nathalie Arthaud, head of the list of her party Lutte Ouvrière (LO) and Jean Lassalle bombed leader of the list Rural Alliance built by the boss of the hunters Willy Schraen with the blessing of the macronie to try to make lower the RN, the big favorite in the polls.

“Little” regulars

Several little-known parties but accustomed to European elections are once again on the starting line. On the left, two allies of the PS during the last European elections, this time decided to present their own lists: the outgoing MEP Pierre Larrouturou for New Deal and the PRG whose “Europe Territories Ecology” list will be carried by Guillaume Lacroix.

On the far right side, François Asselineau (UPR) and the ex-FN Florian Philippot will defend France’s exit from the European Union. An idea that was hardly convincing five years ago. The conspiratorial singer Francis Lalanne and the multi-convicted comedian Dieudonné also have their list baptized “Free France”.

Specific causes

Furthermore, many more or less well-known lists defend more specific causes, such as the environment, French sovereignty, but also children or the international language Esperanto. Once again, the pirate party is defending its program based on the protection of rights and fundamental freedoms in view of June 9. As in 2019, Hélène Thouy will carry the Animalist Party list. During the last European elections, the lawyer, with 2.16% of the votes, came close to the score of the Communist Party and its 2.49%.

A Free Palestine list is also present, led by the president of the Union of French Muslim Democrats (UDMF), Nagib Azergui, who had already been a candidate in 2019.

Strangers number 1

On Friday, the Ministry of the Interior also carried out a draw to determine the order of allocation of electoral billboards. This is the list “For a sovereign humanity”until now almost unknown, who won this draw.

At this time, there is little information available about this list on the Internet, except its composition available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. We thus learn that it is led by a certain “Monsieur Fidèl’”.

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