Biden’s support is also shrinking: majority of Republicans against Trump’s comeback

Biden’s popularity is also shrinking
Majority of Republicans against Trump comeback

Despite his 79 years, US President Biden can imagine a second candidacy for the White House – although fewer and fewer supporters of his party can do so, as a survey shows. Even among Republican voters, the signs are pointing towards a new beginning.

US President Joe Biden is losing support among supporters of his party to run again in the 2024 elections. According to a poll commissioned by CNN, 75 percent of the polled Democratic voters believe that someone other than Biden is the party’s presidential candidate should go into the race. In winter, only a good half of those surveyed saw it that way. The results of the survey were released on Tuesday (local time).

Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, is also not doing particularly well with his party’s voters. 55 percent of Republican supporters surveyed favored a different presidential candidate than Trump. In February, the value was still 49 percent. Trump has repeatedly hinted at a possible candidacy, but the 76-year-old has not yet officially declared his position.

The 79-year-old Biden, on the other hand, repeatedly emphasizes that he wants to compete again – should his health allow it. Across all respondents, a large majority of 79 percent believe Trump’s attempts to stay in power after losing the 2020 election were illegal or at least unethical. 61 percent believe Trump encouraged political violence around the January 6 Capitol attack. More than three-quarters of respondents said Trump could have done more to stop the violence at the time. 1,002 people took part in the representative survey conducted by the SSRS institute between July 22nd and 24th.

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