Biden sticks to statement about Putin: “I don’t apologize”

Status: 03/29/2022 03:51 a.m

“This man cannot stay in power” – US President Biden, despite criticism, sticks to this statement about Russia’s head of state Putin. He expressed “moral outrage,” Biden said.

US President Joe Biden has defended his statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot stay in power” because of the Ukraine war. Biden said in the White House that he would “not take back” his sentence. In his speech at the weekend in the Polish capital Warsaw, he expressed “moral outrage” and did not announce a new US policy.

“I do not apologize for my personal feelings,” said the US President. When asked by journalists, Biden also denied that his statement could escalate the Ukraine war or complicate diplomatic efforts to end the war.

Kremlin: Personally offensive to Putin

Biden sharply attacked Putin on Saturday evening in a speech at the Royal Castle in Warsaw because of the war of aggression against Ukraine and said – deviating from his speech: “This man cannot stay in power.” The statement immediately caused international irritation.

The White House hastily assured that Biden was not seeking “regime change” in Moscow. The Kremlin described Biden’s comments on Monday as “alarming”. In an interview with a US broadcaster, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called Biden’s renewed affirmation alarming and personally offensive to Putin.

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