Biden reacts with sharp words to Trump’s NATO comments

As of: February 14, 2024 3:42 a.m

Criticism of Trump’s statement that he would not necessarily support NATO members in the event of an attack shows no sign of abating. Now US President Biden has also taken his predecessor harshly to task.

No more US alliance solidarity for NATO states that spend too little on defense? Former US President Donald Trump triggered strong reactions. US President Joe Biden now criticized his predecessor’s statements with sharp words. “That’s stupid, that’s shameful, that’s dangerous, that’s un-American,” Biden said of Trump’s announcement that he would not provide protection from Russia to NATO partners who do not meet their financial obligations.

Trump, who wants to challenge Biden in the next presidential election in November and run for the Republicans again, said during a campaign appearance at the weekend that the “president of a great country” once asked him whether the USA would still protect this country from Russia would if it did not pay defense spending. He replied: “No, I wouldn’t protect you.” What’s more, he would “even encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want.”

“The worst thing about it is that he’s serious”

Biden had already sharply criticized the statement over the weekend, but has now followed up. “Can you imagine a former president of the United States saying that? The whole world heard it,” the Democrat said. “The worst part is that he’s serious.”

Principles don’t matter to Trump, Biden complained. “When he looks at NATO, he doesn’t see the alliance that protects America and the world.” Trump instead sees the alliance as a burden or as a means for protection money demands and does not understand “that the sacred promise we made also benefits us,” said Biden.

As a defense alliance, NATO relies on the principle of deterrence and Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty is particularly relevant to this. It regulates the obligation of assistance in the alliance and states that an armed attack against one or more allies is viewed as an attack against all.

Biden recalled that this alliance case was triggered only once in the history of NATO – and that was to support America after the terrorist attacks against the USA on September 11, 2001. The Democrat also emphasized once again that he stood by the obligation to provide assistance, and for as long as possible If he were president, the United States would defend every inch of NATO territory.

Trump’s statements caused bewilderment and concern among NATO countries. The SPD’s top candidate for the European elections, Katarina Barley, even brought up an EU nuclear umbrella in view of Trump’s threat.

Trump’s statements are likely to be a topic at the NATO summit today. The defense ministers of NATO countries meet in Brussels for a two-day meeting. Among other things, Secretary General Stoltenberg wants to provide information about the development of defense spending. Meanwhile, it became known that Germany appears to be fulfilling its commitment to NATO to spend two percent of its gross domestic product on defense for the first time in three decades.

Ralf Borchard, ARD Washington, tagesschau, February 14, 2024 5:21 a.m

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