Biden and López Obrador: Mexico calls for more US recognition

Status: 01/10/2023 07:51 a.m

At first everything seemed very harmonious. But then Mexico’s head of state, Obrador, in very clear words, called on US President Biden to end the “politics of contempt” against Latin America. Biden, on the other hand, defended the commitment of the USA.

from Christina Fee Moebus, ARD Studio Mexico City

During the visit of US President Joe Biden, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for more recognition for Latin America. It is time to put an end to the forgetting, neglect and contempt of Latin America and the Caribbean, he told his counterpart at the National Palace in Mexico City.

The left-wing politician campaigned for closer economic, political and social cooperation on the American continent. The goal: to alleviate poverty in the region and to distribute wealth more fairly. This is to combat the causes of flight. Migration is one of the main topics at the meeting. Just last Thursday, Biden announced new measures against illegal immigration.

Biden: The US has already helped a lot

US President Biden also advocated closer cooperation, but at the same time referred to the responsibility that the US also has in other regions of the world. According to Biden, the United States has already done a lot for Latin American countries in recent years and provided billions. The US would have provided “more foreign aid than all other countries combined”.

The two heads of state initially met for bilateral talks. A joint North America summit is taking place today, in which Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is also taking part. In addition to migration, it should also be about economic cooperation in the common free trade zone.

Mexican President demands more support from Biden

Christina Fee Moebus, ARD Mexico City, 10.1.2023 6:48 a.m

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