Beyoncé criticizes lyrics on new album

Criticism of lyrics on the new album

Beyoncé recently released her new album, Renaissance.

© Mason Poole

Beyoncé is a mega star celebrated by millions. Because of a song line on their new album, there is now massive criticism.

Many are currently listening to Beyoncé’s (40) new album “Renaissance” over and over again. But there is also criticism. Among others, Hannah Diviney, who works for people with disabilities, and the charity Scope draw attention to the fact that the singer in her song “Heated” uses a word that is often used pejoratively in relation to people suffering from a cerebral movement disorder. This is reported by the BBC, among others.

“I’m tired and frustrated that we’re having this conversation again so quickly after receiving such a meaningful and progressive response from Lizzo,” Diviney told the British broadcaster. It feels like “a slap in the face”. While the phrase could have a different meaning in the US, it’s “a word we would never use in the UK,” said BBC correspondent Nikki Fox.

“Be part of the change”

The singer Lizzo (34) had used the word in her song “Grrrls”. In mid-June she wrote on Twitterthat she changed her lyrics after being made aware of it. She made it clear that she did not want to support “derogatory language” and had been exposed to many “painful words” herself. As an influential artist, she wants “to be part of the change” she wants to see in the world.

According to the report, Scope meanwhile demands that Beyoncé also change the lyrics of her song. Warren Kirwan, the organization’s media manager, said she’s a longtime advocate for inclusion and equality, so we’re asking for a change.

Criticism by Kelis

The singer Kelis (42) had previously criticized Beyoncé, but for a different reason. A snippet of their song “Get Along With You” was allegedly used for the song “Energy”. she was upset about the sample on Instagrambecause she had not been asked before. “Why doesn’t anyone have the decency to call me and say, ‘Hey, we’d like to use your recording’?” Kelis explained, among other things.


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