Beware of this truncated quote from Gabriel Attal on the “slowdown” and “increase” of the epidemic

“There is a ‘slowdown’ but an ‘increase’. Is he not laughing at our fellow Attal? “,” Long live the contradiction “,” When Gabriel Attal makes us Jean Castex! “…

A quote on the Covid-19 epidemic situation and attributed to Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson, earned him many mockeries and criticism on social networks: “We may be seeing the beginning of a slowing down of the epidemic. But there is always an increase, and it is strong. “

And if it seems at first glance parodic, it is not: it is well taken from his intervention in the morning of France Inter, Tuesday, December 7.

Most of these mocking messages are also illustrated with a screenshot of the quote published by the France Inter Twitter account, which accompanied this excerpt from Gabriel Attal’s passage.

But viewing the original footage reveals that these are actually two separate responses from the spokesperson, compiled together, presumably for the sake of brevity.


As indicated this video clip a little over a minute, Gabriel Attal began by affirming: “What we have seen for several days, it is perhaps the beginning of a slowdown in the progression of the epidemic. So you can see that I still put a lot of reservations… ”

Léa Salamé then bounces back on this remark to share an observation followed by another question: “You put a lot of reserve but it’s true that … forgive me for asking you the question, but it’s true that when we look over the last six days, there is no increase in the number of contaminations. Are we not on a set? Haven’t we already reached the peak? “

Gabriel Attal answers him firmly in the negative and evokes in the wake of the famous “increase” quoted in the screenshot of the tweet which has gone viral: “No. For once, there is always an increase, a strong increase. But if you look, a few days ago the growth rate was 60% increase per week and now we went down to 40%. “

And the government spokesperson concluded: “So we hope to see the beginning of the results of the efforts that the French have been making for several weeks in the face of this fifth wave. “

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