Beverages: Alcohol: Study recommends abstinence under 40 years of age

Alcohol: Study recommends abstaining from alcohol among 40-year-olds

A hundred milliliters of beer, please: According to a new study, more than one tiny beer a day is harmful to people under the age of 40. photo

© Christoph Soeder/dpa

Men tolerate more than women, two beers a day are not a problem, it is often said. A research team does away with these clichés and makes recommendations. Some people might not like them.

“Each just a tiny sip!” According to the latest study, people under the age of 40 should strictly adhere to the legendary quote from the classic film “Die Feuerzangenbowle”. More precisely: Younger women should drink no more than two tablespoons of wine or 100 milliliters of beer per day, as an international research team writes in the journal “The Lancet”. The recommendation for younger men is even more drastic – no more than a shot glass (40 ml) full of beer or two teaspoons of wine.


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