Between “dramatization”, “hysteria” and “imminent attack”, the war of words continues

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes updates you every night at 7:30 p.m. Who did what? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

The United States announced on Monday the possibility of a Russian invasion “at any time”. Faced with this self-warning, the Americans, together with their British and Australian allies, opted to withdraw part of the staff from their embassies in Kiev. NATO has decided to strengthen its defenses in the East, denounced by Moscow as a desire to “exacerbate tensions” with “hysterical” information.

The European Union was confused by this American statement, and called Washington to account. The 27 call for not “dramatizing” and “avoiding nervous breakdowns” in this crisis, in the words of the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

sentence of the day

“Invading Ukraine would create a new Chechnya for Russia”

A warns Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister. “We need to get the message across that invading Ukraine, from a Russian point of view, will be painful, violent and bloody, and I think it’s very important that Russia understands that this could be a new Chechnya.” , said the conservative leader. “I know a little about these people and I think they will fight”, allowed himself to add the statesman, speaking of the Ukrainians. The war in Chechnya claimed tens of thousands of lives.

The number of the day


This is the number of soldiers that the United States would consider sending to the Baltic and Eastern European countries of NATO in the face of the risk of a Russian invasion,
according to US media. Russia has amassed nearly 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders, according to Kiev and Western countries.

The trend of the day

As we will have seen on Monday, the European Union is trying to play neutrality and calls for calm between the two former Cold War superpowers. Little by little, from crisis to crisis, the 27 are awakening to “a geostrategic awareness”, develops Cyrille Bret, specialist in international relations at the Jacques-Delors Institute, in The echoes of this Monday.

“The way Europeans exist in this case reflects what the EU is, the largest integrated international organization in the world, but devoid of military instruments. The Union deploys its diplomatic, economic and financial means, without this being sufficient to benefit from the status of a great power”, continues the expert.

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