Bestselling author Caroline Wahl: “Wind Force 17” – Culture

Walk along the Rostock harbor with Caroline Wahl: Her debut “22 Bahnen” was last year’s bestseller, with the sequel “Windkraft 17” she casually aims straight into the heart. How does she do that?

Two years ago she fulfilled two dreams: write a novel and move to the sea. One was a spontaneous success; her book “22 Bahnen” was the bestselling debut of last year. And the other result is that we go for a walk at the harbor in Rostock on a cold April afternoon. Caroline Wahl in black boots, platform soles, down coat, folds her arms in front of her body against the cold, holds her right hand under her left elbow with a cigarette between her fingers. The vastness of the sky here, the screaming of seagulls, the air, that was an old longing.

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